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neutron emission中文是什么意思

用"neutron emission"造句"neutron emission"怎么读"neutron emission" in a sentence


  • 中子发射


  • Calculation of neutron emission characteristics ( energy and yield as a function of angle ) as a function of energy for one charged particle reaction ; discussion of uncertainities
  • The ddx of neutron emission is one of the most important nuclear data in nuclear design . more precise nuclear data , not only nuclear reaction data but also energy and angular distributions , are required by the development of nuclear engineering
  • The double differential cross section ( ddx ) of neutron emission from 51v at 10 . 26 mev neutrons was measured using normal and abnormal fast neutron tof spectrometers on hi - 13 tandem accelerator in china institute of atomic energy ( ciae ) . the problem of influence from breakup neutrons of the d ( d , n ) neutron source on secondary neutron spectra was successfully solved
    用中国原子能科学研究院hi - 13串列加速器上的常规和非常规快中子飞行时间谱仪,测量了10 . 26mev中子引起~ ( 51 ) v的次级中子双微分截面,成功解决了d ( d , n )中子源中破裂中子对次级谱的影响。
用"neutron emission"造句  


Neutron emission is a type of radioactive decay of atoms containing excess neutrons, in which a neutron is simply ejected from the nucleus. Two examples of isotopes which emit neutrons are beryllium-13 (mean life 2.
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